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bon echo

Sydney Daniels

Making something out of our quarantine

Due to the lack of activities I'd usually be doing during the summer, my family and I were able to go on a second camping trip, this time to an entirely new campground that we've only heard great things about; Bon Echo. This campground is well known for it's amazing trails, incredible views, and the notorious Mazinaw Rock. It felt so nice to go explore a new environment and to knock off as many activities as we could in 5 days.

In terms of wildlife, Bon Echo has a very different line up of creatures compared to Killbear. Because Bon Echo has so many tall pine trees throughout the park, we saw a lot more birds roaming around; like blue jays, finches and grackles that would walk through our campsite every now-and-then. Of course they have the classic campground critters, like chipmunks, squirrels, and raccoons, it was interesting to see how different environments attract different guests.

Before making our way to the campground, my family had done a lot of research beforehand to figure out what we needed to do to have a successful Bon Echo trip, and the number one task on that list was to get out on the water. We rented a canoe and kayak and spent the whole day on the water. We paddled over to a dock to hike up the Mazinaw Rock, then later that day paddled along the rock while the sun was starting to set. Another fun thing we got to do was learn about the history of the rock and the pictographs that are scattered all around it. It was so nice to get out on the water this trip, because the waters here are a lot calmer than those at Killbear.

This was the longest March break ever.

After plenty of canoeing, kayaking, hiking, and paddling, I think it's safe to say our first Bon Echo trip was a success. This was a great way to cap-off our six-month-long"March break" before starting school again. If your ever looking for a park to visit that'll keep you moving, Bon Echo is the way to go, with some pretty rewarding views along the way.

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